The partnership between Motor Sport Magazine and Magzter heralds a new era of digital engagement for motorsport enthusiasts globally.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, April 3, 2024 / — Motor Sport Magazine, with its illustrious 100-year history in the UK as a leading voice in motor racing journalism, has partnered with Magzter, the world’s largest digital reading destination. This collaboration marks a significant step forward for Motor Sport Magazine as it seeks to expand its digital footprint and engage with a broader global audience of racing enthusiasts.
The partnership between Motor Sport Magazine and Magzter heralds a new era of digital engagement for motorsport enthusiasts globally. Through Magzter’s user-friendly and world-class platform, they can now delve into the thrilling world of racing at their convenience, transcending geographical barriers and accessing a treasure trove of content anytime, anywhere.
The Motor Sport Magazine is also a part of Magzter’s premium unlimited reading subscription service called Magzter GOLD, which gives digital readers unlimited access to 8,500+ magazines and newspapers. With Magzter GOLD already being the most preferred digital reading subscription for millions of people across the globe, the inclusion of Motor Sport Magazine further enriches the subscription service’s offerings, reinforcing its appeal to a diverse audience.
“A century ago, The Brooklands Gazette was launched by an enterprising publisher, dedicated to covering the best of the burgeoning world of motor racing. The magazine was soon renamed Motor Sport and now, 100 years on, continues to flourish as an independent, free-speaking voice for racing fans worldwide. As we celebrate the momentous year in 2024, we will feature the latest articles and podcasts that look back over a century of racing; the ways that you can get involved; and some of the best writing from the magazine’s history. Motor Sport Magazine is delighted to be launching on the Magzter platform this month. We know that this will help us to reach an audience that have not necessarily come across our magazine before. As a result, we are very excited to welcome more readers to the Motor Sport family.” – Samantha Nasser, Senior Subscriptions Marketing Manager, Motor Sport Magazine
“As Motor Sport Magazine joins the Magzter platform, we’re thrilled to witness the convergence of a century-old legacy with modern digital accessibility. This collaboration not only celebrates the rich history of motor racing but also propels it into the future, reaching enthusiasts worldwide. We’re excited to welcome Motor Sport Magazine to Magzter and look forward to providing readers with an immersive experience that captures the essence of this exhilarating sport.” – Scott Verchin, Head of Global Content, Magzter Inc.
Please click here to read the Motor Sport Magazine on Magzter.
About Magzter Inc.
Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest and fastest-growing digital newsstand with over 87 million users across 175 countries. Headquartered in New York, Magzter Inc. provides a platform that allows publishers to reach a global audience and offers readers unlimited access to thousands of digital magazines and newspapers. With a user-friendly interface and seamless cross-device accessibility, Magzter Inc. continues to revolutionize the way people read magazines and newspapers.
Vijaykumar Radhakrishnan
Magzter Inc.
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